

carton cutting machine

carton cutting machine http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-20125221121221.shtml Corrugated carton cutting machine make sample of packaging carton,the carton cutting machine can cut the sample in few minutes. The carton cutting machine cutter plotter sample maker has below functions: 1. Cutting function of oscillation tool, It can cut many different materials(such as corrugated paper, card paper, offset paper, grey board, compound materials, gasket, leather and textile) 2. Folding function, It can fold corrugated paper, card paper and offset board into perfect folding line. 3. Function of dotted line, It is used to fold them after half cutting corrugated paper and grey card paper, and to cut dotted line. 4. Location, Location with laser, make our carton cutter plotter sample maker cut the printed products. 5. Drawing function, It can draw various high precision drawings, make sure the die line meet the shape of printed patterns. tel: 0086-13549354183 E-mail: sales02@cutcnccam.com Skype: trinityhu MSN: trinityhu@hotmail.com www.cutcnccam.com

