

Dieless cutting sample maker cutter plotter

Dieless cutting sample maker cutter plotter http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-2012123101465.shtml Conventional diecutting had been the traditional manufacturing process for the fabrication of foams and related packaging products for years. Dieless cutting sample maker cutter plotter has made a vast impact on this industry primarily due to the precision workmanship with a high degree of repeatability and positioining accracy these cutting systems can offer. CUTCNC dieless cutting sample maker cutter plotter cutting with pure blade causes no thermal or mechanical distortion, features a very narrow cutting width, produces excellent clean edge quality, no dust, pollutants or toxic fumes, increases lead time of new products, eliminates the "hour-glass effect" so commonly seen from traditional die cutting, and reduces labor and material costs. E-mail: sales02@cutcnccam.com Skype: trinityhu MSN: trinityhu@hotmail.com QQ: 1393674468 tel: 0086-13549354183

