

What is laminating machine

<a title='What is laminating machine' href="http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-20135231018467.shtml">What is laminating machine </a>
<a title='What is laminating machine' href="http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-20135231018467.shtml">http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-20135231018467.shtml</a>

Laminating machine belongs to the field of paper products production machinery, especially used laminate two paper together.
It is  consisted by feeding mechanism, laminating and the platen institutions. There are feeders to send upper printing paper and button cardboard, they laminate together after

glue, then platen,  pressure part adopt suspension lamination style, make the board uniform stress, steady feeding, let the board beautiful and smooth, stress belt can move

front and behind, can suitable many kinds of size paperboard.  Make production of printing box or other paper products.

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