

Design a pop-up book

Design a pop-up book

Pop-up bookcontains three-dimensional reproduction of architecture, geometric patterns, everyday objects, or other images, on various scales, using cut-out and folded paper. Designing pop-up books and cards is a great attractiveness.

The designing process of a pop-up book is listed below.

Step 1
Make a pencil drawing with a view to decide:
the scale of the work
its position in the base sheet
if any other pop-up object will accompany the main subject
which type of mechanism or movements would work well for each spread

Step 2
Once the pencil sketch is approved e.g. by the client,. To make a drawing of each piece on computer with AutoCad or Adobe Illustrator.
Each part is like a watch piece that must be adjusted accurately in its place so that the entire mechanism works.
This stage is based more on geometrical properties rather than on the artistic inspiration.

Step 3
Don’t design a whole building in the first stage.
Rather, start by looking into the characteristic features that define it, and draw them into the pieces.
Then print, cut and assemble the pieces to study and see if they will serve the purpose.

Step 4
This is the adjustment stage where take the first prototype and start making corrections, going back to the design of the pieces to modify them.
Print, cut and assemble them again as much as necessary until get the result that I like best and prepare to publish.

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