

carton cutting machine

carton box

One of the important functions of a carton box is to provide crush resistance (product protection) and adequate strength for stacking in warehouses.

A carton box can be designed by optimizing the grade of corrugated board, box design, flute direction, and inner supports. Support from the product also provides "load sharing" and can be an important factor. Carton box closures sometimes can have effects on box stacking strength.

If long-term storage of carton boxin high humidity is expected, extra strength and moisture resistance is called for.

The method of loading carton boxon pallets strongly affects stacking. Vertical columns provide the best carton box performance while interlocking patterns of carton box significantly reduce performance. The interaction of the carton box and pallets is also important.

Carton box compression testing is a means of evaluating carton box, stacks of carton box, and unit loads under controlled conditions. Field conditions of stacking and dynamic compression do not have the same degree of control. Compression strength can be estimated based on container construction, size, and use parameters: actual package testing is often conducted to verify these estimates.

Many packaging engineers find it beneficial to periodically audit warehouses and visit customer's package receiving operations. When field performance is observed or documented to have problems, a new cycle of design and testing may be justified.
CUTCNC offer carton box cutting machine , can cut all the carton box, cut what you design easily,help you make the test. Our cutting machine can cut the sample at one time after import the design into cutting machine .
Email: sales02@cutcnccam.com
MSN: trinityhu@hotmail.com

