

moveable book cutting table

moveable book

moveable book
are hardly new. About 700 years ago people used simple books with moving parts to teach about anatomy or make astronomical predictions. Even fortune-telling used moveable books. The moveable book was the domain of adults until the late 1880s when metamorphoses books, also called turn-up books, included fold-out illustrations within the pages of children's books. By the nineteenth century such moveable books were published in some quantity in England. By mid-century a British firm was happily producing such moveable book for children, and by the twentieth century they had published over 50 titles.

An American firm named McLoughlin Brothers of New York city produced the first moveable books in the United States about 1880. They were large plates that unfolded into multi-layered displays. As Europeans found cheaper papers and booksellers sought to enlarge their markets cheaper and more inventive moveable books were developed in the early twentieth century. By the 1960s American Waldo Hunt created advertising inserts and premiums inspired by Czechoslovakian works. Hunt began to produce his own moveable books for popular consumption and is believed to have popularized the moveable book in the mid-twentieth century. Today, moveable books are enormously popular with children because of the novelty of the moveable elements greeting cards and advertisements include pop up elements. Recent moveable books for children are written on topics as diverse as astronomy, geology, meteorology, children's classics, and dinosaurs.

CUTCNC offer moveable book
cutting table , can cut the sample and do small productions.
Our moveable book
cutting table can cut the sample at one time after import the design into the cutting machine .

Email: sales02@cutcnccam.com
MSN: trinityhu@hotmail.com

