

Extend the types of corrugated board and market development

Extend the types of corrugated cardboard and market development, product innovation is the key to survival and development
Present the main trends in corrugated box industry, or manufacturing of packaging products, but because the carton packaging products imitability strong, so that a lower threshold to enter the industry, resulting trend to low-profit products, vicious competition, carton business to survival and further development, must be based on reality, for innovation and initiative to develop new products. If the market or customer demand has been made clear when it will re-development and others in the same starting line, in a passive position, so we must go in front of the user. Carton business only to make some forward-looking judgments, and then take the initiative to develop new fields, we can change the trend to low-profit enterprises to form a strong core competitiveness. This came into being in the market dynamics is the production of corrugated cardboard extension products, which expand the corrugated cardboard market.
On our company, generally defined as the following three:
1, aquatic products breeding purification tray, many of the families usually buy fish, they all want to use freshwater to support a period of time, to further clear the body of earth and rubbish, and directly into the refrigerator, is not meet the health needs of the general plastic tray before full bloom. Now that the board moisture and other technology, and products with recycled cardboard, waste would not polluting the environment, can be placed without folding the advantages of space. Aquaculture production of clean cardboard tray, become a very viable option.
2, sales of fruit and vegetables packaging containers, and now we can see some of bloom is usually in the supermarket fresh fruit and vegetables are the plastic tray. Corrugated cardboard production will now be expanding into some of the products, so that the advantages of corrugated cardboard room for more resources, it is gradually replacing some plastic containers.
3, as a special commodity, exclusive merchandise display, and now introduced in a number of shopping malls, we often can see, on our company, has been mass production of such products for export.
Traditional products, we present the production of corrugated boxes, because of its replicability and replication of low-cost advantages, resulting in the blind development of carton industry. Because your advantage today, and tomorrow others will soon become dominant, there is no core competitiveness. The operating characteristics as the carton industry to extend product's production of corrugated cardboard, is an innovative economic model, can achieve super-average profit. If the product is unique, not easily imitate or mimic a long time, this time not to be imitated or exclusive access to the market is the market advantage, it means that the indivisibility of profits. Extension of the production of corrugated cardboard is to imitative products a competitive advantage to change to become innovative advantage.
Extend the sales of corrugated cardboard products
Consumption of resources has an advantage, there is no conflict with the traditional market to extend all kinds of corrugated cardboard production of goods to meet their own carton business survival, development needs, the new developments in the field is an inevitable trend, as cardboard extension products sales issues to the three extended products, for example, are more innovative products. corrugated cardboard material resources, is the world's consumption of resources in the most advantage of all resources, although the use of conventional cartons the same resources, but with corrugated products in the market is no conflict, and in fact expand the corrugated cardboard range and market space. I think that as long as products are not afraid of no sales.
Corrugated extension product is an innovative product, the basic point is the use of alternatives to meet the function, the second is to create a superior cost-effective, environmentally friendly and convenient for users to request an extension of these corrugated cardboard products should have a good market demand.
corrugated cardboard and extend the product's profit margin traditional products, different pricing
Corrugated boxes account for 80% of the raw material costs, as in the production process can not avoid losses, so the remaining 20% of the profits less losses .
CUTCNC offer corrugated products cutting machine, can help to save more fees.

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