

The advantage of flexo printing process

The advantage of flexo printing process

Flexo printing process allows a variety of operations make in one machine, can make various production processes in a single entity, in order to achieve the foreground input reel material, backed by folding the finished product directly to the output. "Roll, printing + folding" approach to shorten the production process, reducing waste, saving manpower, greatly reduce production costs.
Cardboard and folding is a benchmark for the printing industry. This configuration applies to medium format from the normal format of the rotation material, it can scroll to the reel, from reel to reel to sheet cutting or from a variety of ways of printing production. Cassette and sleeve structure can be reduced to the shortest makeready times. For the printing roller, anilox and impression cylinder is equipped with independent servo motors to provide a good flexibility. Gravure and modules, and other online scalding hot or cold after the processing unit can also be integrated into this platform.
Flexo printing process using water-based and UV are non-toxic, pollution-free environment-friendly, in line with the development trend of green. Wide range of flexographic printing materials, printing printable version of the compensation effect is more rough recycled paper or cardboard, fold so the material cost can be reduced by 20% -40%.
With domestic and timely follow-up material, gradually reduce the cost, flexible version of the box and then print the application will be more extensive. Can be used online production line printing folding machine is a low-cost, high efficiency of the ideal way.

