

Analysis: The method to control explosion line corrugated board printing

Analysis: The method to control explosion line corrugated board printing
http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-201112179738.shtmlMaintain the moisture content of the board, control board critical line is the best way. Control the moisture content in 12% to 18% then the board out form the tile line. The printing moisture content should be maintained at 10% to 13%. Due to some objective conditions, people tend to think that moisture is not easy to control. At this point, to introduce a few more effective ways to control:
First, adjusted the traditional processing corrugated boards methods has a certain effect. Usually we can take to control the following method: adjustment the pulp and paste , increase the moisture content in the paste.
Secondly, the a lack of understanding of the water variation of the cardboard is the important reason of cardboard from the tile line on the machine printed out to the water this time variation is caused by a lack of understanding of the important reasons burst line. Cardboard from the tile line out, although the overall moisture content is relatively high, but the layers of paper moisture content is highly irregular.
The cardboard produced should be stacked enough time until the water levels reached then use the paper to print on the machine. Cardboard surface, where the printing paper is low water pressure line, pressure line will produce micro-cracking site, then even if the surface, increase in paper, water, explosion-line problem can not be avoided.

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