

Effectiveness of outdoor advertising

Effectiveness of outdoor advertising

http://www.cutcnccam.com/article-show-201112695764.shtmlWhile many forms of electronic advertising exist today, there is no evidence that outdoor advertising has diminished in its ability to attract consumers. Outdoor advertising has continued to be a profitable way to market to the public, allowing for sales that make the use of outdoor advertising worths both the time and the investment.

Outdoor advertising is beyond the simple posting of billboards on the highways around the nation. In fact, outdoor advertising encompasses several methods that do not involve the billboard. One example is the use of sandwich board outdoor advertising that is often found outside restaurants and cafes. Positioned on sidewalks, this form of outdoor advertising catches the attention of persons walking by, enticing them to come inside for a special being offered by the establishment. Park benches are another means of outside advertising, as are advertising on the sides of buses and taxis. In metropolitan areas with subway and trains as means of public transportation, the use of outdoor advertising is also common.

The effectiveness of outdoor advertising lies in that these forms of marketing are constant visual reminders for the people who see them every day. In this sense, outdoor advertising is a way to market to a captive audience. No matter how often the outdoor advertising is seen, each encounter helps to reinforce the awareness of the good or service that is being outdoor advertised. The end result is that an individual may see outdoor advertising for an extended period of time, and one day determine that the good or service advertised meets a need.

Outdoor advertising is often placed in locations that are in close proximity to the business. As with the outdoor advertising in front of restaurants, the marketing tool helps to draw in business from people who see the ad and decide they want to purchase the product right now, rather than later. The quick turnaround in recognition and customer purchase helps to keep outdoor advertising a profitable means of doing business.

Outdoor advertising can also help to reinforce other forms of advertising. As an example, outdoor advertising may help to build name recognition for a business, so that when a circular for that company arrives in the mail, consumers are more apt to actually read through the printed matter. Many companies choose to include outdoor advertising as an important part of their overall public relations campaign, simply because outdoor advertising helps to improve the measurable results from other forms of advertising.
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