

The importance of food and pharmaceutical packaging security

The importance of food and pharmaceutical packaging security

Food and pharmaceutical security incidents occur from time to time in people's sight. There are so many safety events about food and pharmaceutical, especially food security.
In order to adapt to the domestic market demand, with the food and drug safety issues and the relevant market tends to standardization, the importance of making the link more prominent. For the Chinese market, Robert Demorest, Mr. spoke in July this year, the U.S. MOCON permeability testing apparatus winning the Midwest State Institute for Drug Control project. National Institute for Drug Control signed the 20 provinces in central and western U.S. MOCON's latest model of oxygen permeability tester and water vapor permeability tester of procurement contracts. Until the project is completed, China will have 27 provinces and municipalities, Institute for Drug Control equipped MOCON instrument, the correct assessment by the barrier properties of pharmaceutical packaging material to ensure the safety of the shelf life of drugs, which also marks China Medical Packaging blocking capabilities will be in the midst of an important step on the road. "Our product range is very large, from low-cost products for small and medium enterprises to large multinationals in the laboratory and high-end products are expensive, we have introduced a MOCON high-quality, domestic prices of products to meet different customer needs. "Demorest said

New standards is the key in the food and medicines, Robert Demorest President emphasized that the domestic market there is still a long way to go, a lot of things to do. It is understood that the national standards currently established by the 1980s, relatively backward. In addition to legislation, from the root of the problem or implement the new national standards from the start and change the old standards.

Medicines and food safety has never been so important, the packaging of medicines and food has never been so important. So drug and food company safety should be the cornerstone of the standard do not let behind the largest criticism. As «Food Safety >> drafting unit - the State Council Legislative Affairs Office of the Secretary for Education, Science, reading« Food Safety Act>> had pointed out that the development of food standards in four directions: basic standards; product standards; production and management of standards;
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