

when I was young

27. Astro is always in my heart, I did not like to eat anything for days, all the daytime miss about him.
28.Do not miss him noe, but the Liuxiao lingtong and Baoyu Jia come to my heart now.
29. Why water in the pool is blue, but in my hand, it is white. 
30.My mother did not met me for a whole day, became very worry, ask all the friends and colleagues help to find me, still can not find me. She opened the wardobe after get home occasionally, I roll out form the wardobe and was fall asleep.
31. My mother appalying the transfer order, I pestered my mother to eat ice cream, my mom side: Can you get the uncle over there, you go and bow to him,if he gave mom the order, I will immediately buy you ice cream. I ran over to him and make my  kneel on the foot of uncle, said: uncle, uncle, please help to make the oder, please, please ... ... then we get the order that have been delay for mouths .

To be continued

