

Ensuring Right Packing

Right packing brings over-packing and under-packing into the picture. So, how is it that we ensure the right packing. The following are some of the guidelines:
1.Packing should be used only where needed. It prevents over packing.
2.Packing should prevent any loss or damage to the packed product and its intended use. It prevents under packing.
3.Right packaging materials should be used. This along with the above two guidelines ensures right form of packing.
Acknowledging this fact, special attention is given to design the right from of packing for our products. Like our products, the packing for others is also tested for performance parameters like wear and tear, strength, compactness etc. This is very important in fields like laboratory furniture as many critical components have to be protected with good packing. Contrary to the market trend over the years, we have enhanced our product packing for laboratory furniture to deliver a near perfect product to our consumers.
Pack design is the first step to minimize our environmental footprint. Design sets the stage for sustainability in all other stages of the product lifecycle. It is the design of the product which will define what materials can be used, what processes it needs to undergo, how it is packaged and transported, and finally its disposal or reusability or recyclability.
With boundaries shrinking and the world becoming a common market, transport and in-turn compact/flat packing, has become a key design parameter for all products. And this process can play a substantial role in increasing the green footprint of a product.


